Sunday, May 17, 2015

Finally, Cowtown USA

After spending some time with Tim up in Wyoming, it was time to head home for a bit. I needed to get my car fixed and decided I could spend some time helping my Dad with his business and my Mother with errands. I remember when I was younger and there were times that I absolutely did not want to help my parents, I suppose mainly out of defiance. Now that I am older and only am only able to go home for a few weeks out of the year, I find myself offering my assistance to my parents whenever I notice something that needs to be done.

Sometimes it's kind of weird. I sitting there thinking "Why did I ever complain about doing this, it takes 5 minutes." However, I'm pretty sure this wisdom came from doing things for myself for the last 4 years. When you are younger, it is easy to complain about doing chores or things that you know if they aren't done, there are other people that will do them for you (in some cases). However, in the case of my family, if you didn't get your stuff done you were not only reminded by my parents to do what you were told or you missed out on something that you wanted to do. Looking back, I regret complaining, however I am glad that I have been on my own to learn to not only do things for my self, but also have a more motivated outlook on simple tasks and chores.