Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our Last Goodbye

To end my summer trip, one of my younger sisters asked me to take her to a One Direction concert. We planed on attending one in Chicago because it is not only close to where my grandparents live but it is also on the way to Indiana. Therefore, I figured I would be able to use my sister as woman-power and have her help me move. Our last night in Colorado my family went to dinner with my Grandma and Grandpa (Step-grandpa technically) in order to say our goodbyes. My Grandpa hadn't been doing well for some time before that. He found out a few years before that he had cancer in his bones, and by this time it had spread throughout his whole body for the most part. Plus, he was in his late 80's if not his early 90's; so he had definitely seen some stuff in his long lifetime.

That night at dinner he seemed to be feeling better than I had seen him in a long time. He was joking and laughing quite a bit, calling my Grandma cute, the whole sha-bang. I always took it upon myself to help my grandparents walk (for balance issues). We went to leave the restaurant, walked out with them, and went to say our goodbyes. Tim and I said that we would be seeing them both when I came home and when Tim came up for Thanksgiving. The night ended and we were supposed to be off for Chicago and the concert the next morning.

The next morning, my brother was sitting upstairs and woke me up. He told me that my Grandfather had died in his sleep that night. My Grandma had called my mom and dad, and they were down there to be with her while the Sheriff and the Coroner did their jobs and help her with the initial shock.