Friday, March 20, 2015

Camping - If it can go wrong it will

Only about an hour from Bairoil, lies Pathfinder Reservoir. For one weekend Tim's family and sister's family in law planned a camping trip out on the lake. Tim's sister Shenah, her husband's family are big into camping, 4 wheeling, boating, and all of the above. Therefore, Tim and I headed up to the lake in the Jeep only to be met by 3 other campers among other outdoor toys. On that note, we were the only ones sleeping in a tent on the ground (the only ones ACTUALLY camping, haha kidding).

From the beginning of the trip, things started to go wrong. When we arrived one of the campers had been visited by a family of mice, and needed to be cleaned out before the family could get settled. A little while later, the little girl fell off of the bunk bed and broke her leg. The poor girl. We weren't sure if it was broken at first, so she was upset for awhile. A little while later one of the dogs ( a boxer) was acting strange. She kept eating grass, hacking stuff up, and rubbing her face in the weeds. This was all in the first night.

Day 2 started a little better off. Most of the family headed to Casper for a relatives birthday party and decided to get the little girls leg checked out on the way. While they were gone most of the day, Tim and I went with his parents to explore the other lakes connected to Pathfinder and the Dam. It was fun to not only explore the Dam, but it was amazing to see something built almost 100 years ago that is still standing and functioning as if it was build yesterday. Thus, the nerdy engineering side of me came out a little while looking at the structure. As we were heading back to the camp site, Tim was picking on his mother and pretending that he was going to drive through the lake with his Jeep.

Once we got back, a few more things went wrong. Everyone that had been gone was one their way back. When Shenah and her husband arrived the dog jumped on the side of a newly painted truck and left a lovely scratch. Her husband was not happy. Later on the family of the little girl arrived after sitting in the ER for hours and hours. Her entire leg was in a temporary cast; nor t fun for a 4 year old. To top everything off the dog was still acting a little weird. That night they looked at her neck and found bite marks. Later on they figured out that she had been bitten by a rattlesnake due to her face swelling (boxers faces usually sag). That night one of the little dogs also became sick. He was having a hard time with his digestive system causing a lot of worry considering his older age. Altogether it was quite a night. One of the more fun parts was celebrating Shenah's birthday and making a cobbler in the dutch oven. Most of the meals were made in the dutch over the weekend and therefore very very yummy.

To finish up the weekend, on the 3rd day Tim and I went for a cruise in the Jeep, hung out a bit with everyone, and packed up to head back to Bairoil. Through everything that happened, it was still a great weekend at a very beautiful place.

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