Friday, March 20, 2015

Sibling Squabbles - It's time for a family reunion

After getting to Bairoil, I was on the road again. My car had been having problems and my mothers side of the family was having a reunion back in Iowa the week after I arrived in Wyoming. In order to get my car fixed I had to take it back to Greeley. Since Tim was coming with me to the reunion, he and I traveled down to Colorado to drop my car and join my family on the trip back to Iowa. 

Tim, the brave soul, traveled 14 hours plus (always more hours with my sisters around) with my sisters, mother, and I, back to Iowa for the reunion. Upon completing the long drive we finally arrived at my grandparents house. One of the best parts about Iowa is the food. My grandfather's family was an Iowa farm family. They know how to eat. My grandpa grew up during the depression and was affected greatly by the dust bowl. During that time, his family didn't always have a lot to eat so it is impossible to leave my grandparents house hungry. They, especially my grandpa always make sure that everyone has enough to eat. Plus, I mean farm food, it's the best kind and always followed by dessert. 

Whitey's Ice Cream is theeeee boommb, and has always been a favorite part of visiting.


The family reunion was held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Both my grandma and grandpa are from the area with most of their siblings still living there or around there. This reunion was with my grandpas family, more specifically his siblings. He is the oldest boy of 8 children from a very loud purely German family. Since they are all siblings there are always squabbles. However, seeing them all through a grand-daughters perspective is actually pretty exciting and entertaining. I have siblings and don't think we act weird when we are together, but after seeing my grandpa and his siblings, grandma and her siblings, or my mom and her siblings, I now know all sibling groups just act a little weird together. 

My Uncle Paul ( the youngest boy in my grandpa's family), wasn't able to make it to the reunion. My great aunt was sick and had been for many years. I think it was the 2nd or 3rd time she had cancer among other issues with her kidneys. Therefore, she wasn't supposed to travel and instead we called them over Skype at the reunion. It was a bummer that we weren't able to see them in person, but I was glad we got to chat with them a little.

My Aunt Joyce is the youngest girl in my grandpa's family. She and my uncle Paul were the only siblings to leave Iowa. Paul lives on the east coast and Joyce lives in Texas. Joyce is pretty chill. She texts me every once in a while to see what's up and if I get where I'm going when traveling. I appreciate the worry since people don't usually worry about me or if they do, they tend to not voice it. 

Seeing these two, the other siblings, as well as spending time with my more immediate family was a lot of fun and a great added adventure to my first week of my summer break. 

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