Saturday, June 27, 2015

Waiting for closure

Before finding out that my Grandfather had died, My sister, Tim, and I were planning on leaving for Indiana the morning of that Wednesday. We had the intention of going to the One Direction concert in Chicago that weekend while we happened to be in the area. Since the funeral plans were still undecided, we waited for what to do next. My grandfather died on the Wednesday before Labor Day weekend. Due to the three day weekend it was decided that the funeral would be on the Tuesday following Labor Day. Therefore, my mother thought it would be a good idea if my sister, Tim, and I went to the concert and also brought my youngest sister in order to get everyone's mind off of what had happened.

Later that Wednesday afternoon we all were finally packed and ready to head out. Since my grandparents live only 2 hours from Chicago, we planned on staying at their house. However, the drive is about 14 hours so the plan for the first night was to get to Omaha and stay at my aunts house. We were on our way and had just crossed the Colorado/Nebraska boarder and it started pouring. Literally pouring, and it continued to pour for the rest of the trip across Nebraska. We stayed at my Aunt's house that night and then headed the rest of the way across Iowa the following day. Of course, it rained the whole way across Iowa as well.

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